People Are Starting To Catch On!

The evil of of some people drowns out the value of human life. I am not sure if it is the money, the ego or if there are other agendas. The challenge is we have many leaders who do not heed the instruction of Peter to those away at the time.

Pet. 5:1-3   So as your fellow elder and a witness of Christs sufferings and as one who shares in the glory that will be revealed, I urge the elders among you: Give a shepherds care to Gods flock among you, exercising oversight not merely as a duty but willingly under Gods direction, not for shameful profit but eagerly. And do not lord it over those entrusted to you, but be examples to the flock.

I have watched people everywhere on social media telling pregnant women to be vaccinated. To those people, I hope you are brought to justice.

To the leaders who forced vaccine mandates upon citizens, I hope you are bought to justice as well.

Is there any wonder why companies want to hide the data and be indemnified against the damage their vaccines cause. Hopefully your time will come. (similar Purdue Pharmaceutical in the opioid crisis they helped create, but certainly bringing justice to the individuals as well.)

To the doctors who gave into to the demands of vaccine mandates: shame on you! Not listening to your conscience, has damaged you. Is there any wonder why people dont see doctors with the reverence they used to any more. Most of you are seen as nothing more than the well paid marketing arms of pharmaceutical companies.

People will look back at this time and see us as the fools we have been wondering what what were they thinking

1 Comment

  1. Lynne

    Wow 82% was the real number! That is disgusting. Indeed, shame on all those who knowingly manipulated the stats! I too have had my opinion of medicos drop greatly. Through this whole worldwide phenomenon of the effects of the pandemic, it has really polarised people. Some went along completely with the story we were fed from TV and newspapers, believing that the government, the doctors & drug companies, and even our employers, knew what was best for the health of ourselves and our children. Many believing that money did not play any part in their decisions and mandates, and that we should do as we were directed by them, without question, or we are the bad people, causing harm to others. That is placing just way too much faith in the goodness of men! And so, as all the truth continues to unravel, we will see just how badly, money & power corrupts. I place my trust and faith in Father, and pray that in time, those responsible will be held fully accountable in their lifetimes.


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